ELM327 USB scanner for computer diagnostics

ELM327 2.1 adapter-scanner for computer diagnostics of a car
ELM327 (currently version v2.1) is the latest development OBDII scanner used for car diagnostics using a personal computer. Supports all known ODB2 and is compatible with many diagnostic programs. Communication interface with a personal computer - usb.
elm327 supports all protocols used in cars.
- SAE J1850 PWM (41.6 kbaud)
- SAE J1850 VPW (10.4 kbaud)
- ISO 9141-2 (5 baud init, 10.4 kbaud)
- ISO 14230-4 KWP (5 baud init, 10.4 kbaud)
- ISO 14230-4 KWP (fast init, 10.4 kbaud)
- ISO 15765-4 CAN (11 bit ID, 500 kbaud)
- ISO 15765-4 CAN (29 bit ID, 500 kbaud)
- ISO 15765-4 CAN (11 bit ID, 250 kbaud)
- ISO 15765-4 CAN (29 bit ID, 250 kbaud)
- SAE J1939
Description of the elm 327 scanner
OBD-2 scanners based on the ELM327 are well known to foreign users and have gained their excellent reputation due to their reliability and versatility.
Thanks to these qualities, many developers of diagnostic software release their programs for scanners of this type. There are many programs on the Internet with different functionality, interfaces and language support. Among them there are both commercial products and free versions. OBD-II software for the ELM327 is mostly free and allows you to diagnose vehicles that support one or more of the ODBII . The software for this adapter supports the following platforms:
- Windows
- macOS
- linux
- Palm OS
- PocketPC
It would not be an exaggeration to say that among all OBD-II scanners, ELM327 is the leader in establishing a connection with the car's ECU. Where other scanners fail, the ELM327 does its job perfectly.
Free software
GM Mode 22 Scan Tool by Terry
OBD Gauge for PalmOS and Pocket PC by Dana Peters
OBD Logger by Jonathan Senkerik
OBD-II ScanMaster by Wladimir Gurskij (ScanMaster 3.52 — local copy)
OBD2 Scantool by Ivan Andrewjeski
OBDII for ELM322 by David Huffman
pyOBD by Donor Sizemore for MacOSX and Linux
RDDTC by Pete Calinski
Real Scan by Brent Harris
ScanTest for Pocket PC by Ivan Ganev aka a-ser
The diagnostic capabilities of the device directly depend on the software used. In most cases, this is a diagnosis of the engine and transmission of a car, however, there are commercial programs that support additional protocols from car manufacturers and allow you to work with other car blocks.
Key Features
Reading Trouble Codes (DTC): Displays all trouble codes and their description.
Data export and printout.
Clearing Trouble Codes (DTCs): Arrange, add, delete codes to your specifications.
Display of current parameters in metric and US measurement systems
Data recording and display of graphs
Acceleration time counter: from 0 to 100 km/h
ELM327 is a microcontroller, and in order to reduce the cost of scanner production, some manufacturers of diagnostic equipment (mainly Chinese) release ELM327 processors with a copy of the software of the original elm327 processor. Such savings do not affect the quality of the connection and the reliability of the device as a whole, since a copy of the elm327 microcontroller firmware is used, included according to the standard scheme recommended by the elm327 chip manufacturer. In the scanner we offer, made according to the scheme recommended by the manufacturer, an ELM327 v 2.1 .
Completeness of delivery
Adapter with ELM327
OBDII cable
Communication cable with computer USB
CD with free software
16 pin OBDII connector, adapter with ELM327 processor, usb cable
LEDs: OBD Tx/Rx, RS232 Tx/Rx, Power
Operating voltage: 12V, internal protection against short circuits and overvoltage
Quiescent current: 45 mA Baud rate
: 38400 baud
Minimum PC requirements:
Operating system Windows® 98 / 2000 / XP;
Intel Pentium® 150MHz processor or equivalent;
The amount of RAM from 16MB;
Free hard disk space 50MB;
USB port, connection speed 38400bps